Cute and easy Keepsake

Oh Pinterest, how I love thee!

I had a go at making these the other day. I am definitely not the patient and crafty type but being on 3 months maternity leave, I’ve started getting more inspired to try out new things, especially when it comes to things for Nyla.

My first attempt was a fail but I think it’s because I used brown flour instead of white and I’m not the best at following recipes, more like a “oh that will do” type. I burnt the first lot but I’m proud to say my second attempt was successful! I imprinted the dough while Nyla was sleeping and this was much easier than if she was awake and moving around while we tried to stick her foot/hand and keep it still!

Anyways, this was fun and the recipe really worked (if you follow it). I will post our pics after I’ve painted them.